Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Diamond Creek, Idaho

We went to Diamond Creek, ID for a little camping and 4 wheeling.
It was nice because we haven't been able to camp with my
dad in two years. Or maybe it's because he hasn't invited us
(just kidding, Dad).
We went to Diamond Creek two years ago and got lost on
the way. Well, we got lost this time, too. We're certainly no
Rand McNally. We're so appreciative of my dad letting us use his
4 wheelers and motor home. He's so generous. We love you, Dad.
Everything went well on the trip, until the drive home; we got
a flat tire about 10 miles from camp. Poor Derrick had to bear the
heat and put the spare on. I felt so bad for him. If it wasn't for him,
I'd still be stuck there. He's my rock.

Derrick chillin' on the 4-wheeler

Cage going WAY too fast around the circle

My cute Daddy

Cage patientley waiting for the tire
to be changed (not really)

Derrick patiently changing the flat
tire (not really)

Megan posing for a pretty pitcute

Meg asleep on the RZR with Mommy

Megan and Cousin Cassi out for a ride in the RZR

Grandma Sandy keeping Meg out
of trouble

Daddy and Meg out for a ride


Deb'nDJ said...

Looks like fun, Rob!!Can't wait until we all go again! Its so cute that Meggie-poo will sleep in the razr! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Great work.