Saturday, July 12, 2008

4th of July

We went to Callie and Lynn's on the 4th of July and had such a great dinner. Lynn sure does know how to fire up a grill. Thanks for the invite it was such a fun night. Rock Band is the coolest.

So Happy!! Summer, Callie & Robin

After a long day Abby, Cage & Jax

Our cute husbands


Unknown said...

happy fourht to you!!! How cute are you and your little hwite house blog!?!?!? I love you and am so glad I can blog stalk you now! ;)

Angel said...

oh i am so glad you have a blog - i can't wait to see more pictures of your darling kiddos!

Kelly said...

Hey Robyn! Be careful, blogging is addicting. Sorry I had to bail today at Roy pool...I guess it just comes with the parenting package. It was fun though while it lasted.